Publications and Talks
Academic Publications
If you would like a copy of any publications listed below that are not already freely available please email me.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Barron, Gary RS, Joseph Dyck and Michael Granzow. (To Appear). “Counterweight, Carrot, Crucible: Theorizing ‘community’ in community treatment orders”. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health.
Barron, Gary R. S. 2022. “How University Rankings Are Made through Globally Coordinated Action: A Transnational Institutional Ethnography in the Sociology of Quantification.” Higher Education. doi: 10.1007/s10734-022-00903-y. Submitted copy.
Barron, Gary R.S. 2017. "The Berlin Principles on Ranking Higher Education Institutions: limitations, legitimacy, and value conflict." Higher Education, 73(2), 317-333, doi:10.1007/s10734-016-0022-z.
Barron, Gary R.S. 2016. "The Alberta Mental Health Act 2010 and Revolving Door Syndrome: Control, Care, and Identity in Making Up People." Canadian Review of Sociology, 53(3)290-315, doi:10.1111/cars.12110.
Shommu, Nusrat, Salim Ahmed, Nahid Rumana, Gary R.S. Barron, Tanvir C. Turin. 2016. "What is the Scope of Improving Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Healthcare Using Community Navigators? Success in the United States and Opportunities in Canada: A Systematic Scoping Review". International Journal of Equity in Health, 15(6).
Ahmed, Salim, Nusrat Sharmeen Shommu, Nahid Rumana, Gary R.S. Barron, Sonya Wicklum, and Tanvir Chowdhury Turin. 2015. “Barriers to Access of Primary Healthcare by Immigrant Populations in Canada: A literature Review”. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, Online First, September 12.
Barron, Gary R.S., Heather Scarlett-Ferguson, and Cathy Aspen. 2015. "Measuring Interactions Among Research Grant Recipients through Social Network Analysis: Insights into Evaluating and Improving Research Collaborations". Journal of Research Administration, 46(1):25-40.
Godley, Jenny, Gary Barron, and Arya M. Sharma. 2011. “Using Social Network Analysis to Assess Collaboration in Health Research”. Journal of Healthcare, Science, and the Humanities, 1(2):99-118.
Book Chapters
Bayatrizi, Zohreh, Gary RS Barron, Arianne Hanemaayer and Guillaume Durou. (To appear). “From classification to metrics: The social order of things.” The Oxford Handbook of Comparative and Historical Sociology. Edited by Rebecca Emigh, Richard Lachmann and Dave McCourt.
Barron, Gary RS. (2022). "Rankings as Surveillance Assemblage". In Global University Rankings and the Politics of Knowledge Edited by Michelle Stack. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, ON. Open Access copy of the book available here.
Corman, Michael K, and Gary RS Barron. 2017. “Institutional Ethnography and Actor-network-theory: In dialogue”. Pp. 49-70Y in Studies in Qualitative Methodology: Perspectives on and from Institutional Ethnography, edited by James Reid and Lisa Russell. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Krahn, Harvey, and Gary R.S. Barron. 2016. “Getting a Head Start: Parental University Education and Children's Educational and Employment Outcomes” Pp. 36-50 in Education and Society: Canadian Perspectives, edited by Wolfgang Lehmann. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Book Reviews
Barron, Gary R.S. 2022. Policing Mental Health. Springer International Publishing by Huey, Laura, Jennifer L. Schulenberg, and Jacek Koziarski. Canadian Journal of Sociology.
Barron, Gary R.S. 2019. Our Psychiatric Future. Cambridge, UK: Polity. by Nikolas Rose. Canadian Journal of Sociology.
Barron, Gary R.S. 2016. Engines of Anxiety: Academic Rankings, Reputation, and Accountability by Wendy Nelson Espeland and Michael Sauder. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 41 (4):573-576.
Barron, Gary R.S.. 2015. 600 Laws in Sociology and 650 Laws in Sociology by Mark Bird. The Journal of Applied Social Science, 9(2):203-204.
Barron, Gary. 2015. Leading Research Universities in a Competitive World by Robert Lacroix and Louis Maheu. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 40 (2):271-274.
Barron, Gary. 2012. Tranquil Prisons: Chemical Incarceration Under Community Treatment Orders by Erick Fabris. The Canadian Journal of Sociology, 37(3):331-333.
Barron, Gary. 2010. Sketch for a Self-Analysis by Pierre Bourdieu. The Journal of Applied Social Science 4(2):63-64.
Government Publications and Reports
Archer-Kuhn, Beth, Dorothy Badry, Gary Barron , Sarah Fotheringham, Rebecca Haines-Saah, David Hodgins, David Nicholas, Scott Patten, Jessica Shaw, Alan Smart, and Karen Tang. 2016. “Social Impacts of an Economic Downturn: Considerations for the City of Calgary”. The City of Calgary, March.
Bergerman, Lisa, Gary Barron, Stephanie Phare, Heather Scarlett-Ferguson, and Mel Slomp. 2010. “Workplace Addiction and Mental Health in the Construction Industry: Literature Review”. Alberta Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program Website. October, (
Harrington, Aleisha, Laurie Beverly, Gary Barron, Hannah Pazderka, Lisa Bergerman, and Steven Clelland. 2010. “Knowledge Translation: A Synopsis of the Literature 2008”. Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program Website. May, (
Phare, Stephanie, Gary Barron, Lisa Bergerman, Heather Scarlett-Ferguson, and Mel Slomp. 2010. “Online Addiction and Mental Health Workplace Resources”. Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program Website. August, (
Scarlett-Ferguson, Heather, Gary Barron, and Corrina Pasarica. 2010. “Knowledge Translation Planning Tools for Addiction and Mental Health Researchers”. Alberta Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program Website. August, (
Other Publications and Reports
Barron, Gary. 2016. “Housing Affordability and Market Based Solutions Summary of February 2016 Cross-sectoral Workshops”. Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies, Haskayne School of Business, March (
Barron, Gary, and Kristen Desjarlais De Klerk. 2015. “Cross-sector Housing Affordability Programs, Practices, and Opportunities: Preliminary mapping report and recommendations for action”. Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary. Prepared for the Community Affrodable Housing Strategy (CAHS) Advisory Group, Calgary, Alberta.
Barron, Gary. 2014. “University of Alberta Graduate Student Action Plan”. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
Krogman, Naomi, and Gary Barron. 2014. “The Quality of Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Supervision at the University of Alberta”. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
Media and Op-Eds
Barron, Gary. 2016. "Betwixt and Between: The Borderlands of grad studies and the trolls that haunt them". Take Zine (Spring).
Barron, Gary. 2015. "Surveillance and University Life: A Glimpse Behind the Curtain". Take Zine (Fall).
Barron, Gary. 2015. “Forget Sorry! ‘No’ is the hardest word”. 57 Ways to Screw Up Grad School: Perverse Professional Lessons for Graduate Students. Invited contribution to book companion website.
Barron, Gary. 2015. “Canada's Ranking Performance 'Crisis'”. Take Zine (Winter).
Barron, Gary. 2014. “Take University Rankings with a Grain of Salt”. The Edmonton Journal, December 15.
Barron, Gary. 2014. “University Rankings: A Game of Snakes and Ladders”. University Affairs, November 12.
Barron, Gary. 2014. “Graduate Student and Post-doctoral Scholar Career Mobility”. Take Zine (Winter).
Conference Participation
Presentations to Professional Associations
Barron, Gary. 2017. “Research Collaboration and Resilient Affordable Housing.” Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference, Calgary, AB, June 19.
Barron, Gary, and Simon Raby. 2016. "Using Institutional Logics to Understand Organizational Change and Transition: The Case of Family Businesses Operating in the Real Estate Sector". Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Paris, FR, October 28.
Barron, Gary. 2016. “Creating Risk and Monetizing Symbolic Capital: The Business of Ranking”. Canadian Sociological Association Annual Conference, Calgary, AB, June 1.
Barron, Gary and Harvey Krahn. 2015. “Intergenerational Transfers of Advantage: Parents' Education and Children's Educational and Employment Outcomes in Alberta”. Canadian Sociological Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON, June 1.
Barron, Gary. 2014. “The University-Rankings Controversy: Public Politics and Resistance”. Canadian Sociological Association Annual Conference, St. Catharines, ON, May 27.
Barron, Gary. 2013. "P-h-D, The Three Magic Letters That Won't Get You a Job: How Can We Prepare Our Grad Students for Non-academic Careers?" Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology Annual Meeting, October 5.
Dyck, Marilyn, Jeff Will, and Gary Barron. 2013. "A Long Emergency: Young People on Our Streets How Can We Help? Ask Them!". Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, October 4.
Barron, Gary. 2013. “Graduate Programs Must Be Eliminated!”. Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC, June 5.
Krogman, Naomi, Mariam Weber, Lee Foote, and Gary Barron. 2013. Perceptions of natural and created wetlands in sub-urban and agricultural settings: lessons for an ecosystem services management approach”. 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Estes Park, CO, June 4.
Godley, Jenny, Gary Barron, and Arya M. Sharma. 2011. “Using Social Network Analysis to Assess Collaboration in Health Research”. The Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, November 2.
Godley, Jenny, Gary Barron, and Arya M. Sharma. 2011. “Using Social Network Analysis to Assess Collaboration in Obesity Research: Evidence from a Canadian University”. The Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Fredericton, NB, June 2.
Barron, Gary. 2011. “What Our Doing Does: The Unintended of Mental Health Advocacy in Canada”. The Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Fredericton, NB, June 3.
Barron, Gary. 2010. “The Social Organization of Mental Health Services in Canada”. The Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, June 4.
Barron, Gary and Nathan Turley. 2009. “The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Discourse and Rhetoric in Documentary Films”. The Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON, May 27.
Barron, Gary. 2008. “Teaching Sociology: Student Perspectives”. Roundtable Session. Discussant: The Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, June 4.
Durieux, Mark, Marilyn Dyck, Gary Barron. 2007. “Bringing Compassion to Life: Offering Truly Human Solutions to Social Problems”. Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology Annual Meeting, Ypsilanti, MI, October 16.
Other Conference Presentations
Gondek, Jyoti, and Gary Barron. 2016 “Breaking Down Barriers: The Value of Collaborative Housing Affordability Solutions”. 7 Cities Housing Conference, Calgary, AB, May 5.
Barron, Gary. 2014. “The University-Rankings Assemblage: Politics and Controversy”. Mobilities: Flows, Ruptures, Intersections, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, March 8.
Barron, Gary. 2012. “An Introduction to Commensuration and its Consequences”. David Pierce Research Colloquium, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, November 9.
Barron, Gary. 2010. “Revolving Door Syndrome: A New Subject of Mental Health”. The University of Calgary Sociology Graduate Student Symposium, Calgary, AB, March 16.
Barron, Gary. 2008. “The Bad Boys, the Louts, and the Lawless: The Social Construction of Problem Behaviour in Calgary”. The University of Calgary Department of Sociology Honours Summit, Calgary, AB, April 10.
Poster Presentations
Forst, Brian, Kimberley Duerksen, Tyler Williamson, Gary Barron, and Donna Manca. 2012. “Comparison of Practice Profiles of Academic Male and Female Physicians”. Alberta College of Family Physicians, Annual Scientific Assembly, Banff, AB, February 23-25.
Schreiner, Kim, Gary Barron, Heather Scarlett-Ferguson, and Judy Lloyd. 2011. “Mental Wellness in Seniors and Adults with Disabilities: Making Connections”. Found in Translation, Edmonton, AB, April 18.
Sessions Organized
Barron, Gary. 2015. “The Undergraduate Voice”. Canadian Sociological Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON, June 1.
Barron, Gary, Howard Ramos, and Katie MacDonald. 2014. “The Undergraduate Voice”. Canadian Sociological Association Annual Conference, St. Catharines, ON, May 26.
Barron, Gary, Michele Cunha-Franco, Katie MacDonald, Howard Ramos, and Scott Thompson. 2013. “The Undergraduate Voice”. Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC, June 8.
Barron, Gary, and Jyoti Gondek. 2013. “The Elephant in the Room: Graduate Programs Do Not Prepare Students for Non-academic Careers”. Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC, June 5.
Barron, Gary, Rebecca Godderis, and Howard Ramos. 2012. “The Undergraduate Voice”. Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Waterloo, ON, June 2.
Ravelli, Bruce, and Gary Barron. 2012. “Setting Expectations, Setting the Hook: The First Class of First Year Sociology”. Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Waterloo, ON, May 29.
Ravelli, Bruce, and Gary Barron. 2012. “Faculty Who Choose Teaching Over Publications: What Are the Costs/Benefits?” Canadian Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Waterloo, ON, June 1.
Guest Lectures
Barron, Gary 2019. “Race, ethnicity and early colonial Canadian law and society”. Course: Introduction to sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge, AB, October 28.
Barron, Gary. 2014. “Pathways Into University: What is a University Education Good For?”. Course: Social Problems, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, AB, October 30.
Barron, Gary. 2011. “Medicalization: The Case of ADD/ADHD”. Course: Sociology of Health and Illness. Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, AB, March 7.
Barron, Gary. 2009. “Class, Social Inequality, and False Consciousness in Everyday 21st Century Life” Course: Introduction to Sociology. Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, AB, October 13 & 14.
Barron, Gary. 2009. “Postmodernism, Media and Apathy: Engaging the Social World Actively as a Student and Citizen”. Course: Contemporary Sociological Theory. Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, AB, March 9.
Barron, Gary. 2008. “The Sociological Imagination and Student Involvement in Post-Secondary Education”. Course: Ethnic Relations in Canada. Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, AB, March 16.
Barron, Gary. 2008. “Theoretical Reflections on Postmodernism”. Seminar: Contemporary Sociological Theory. Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, AB, April 3.
Invited Expert Consultations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. “Furthering the progressive realization of the right to housing through a national housing strategy.” Canadian National Housing Strategy Expert Roundtables. Ottawa, ON. September 9, 2016.
Invited Talks
Barron, Gary. 2014. “Multiplicity and Complexity: Problems in Practice”. Bissell Centre, Edmonton, AB, March 12.
Barron, Gary. 2014. “Statistics, Mental Health, and the Politics of Knowledge: An Introduction”. Bissell Centre, Edmonton, AB, January 29.
Barron, Gary. 2010. “Research Proposal Writing and Research Methods: An Introduction”. Alberta Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program Collaborative Research Grant Workshop, Lethbridge, AB, May 27.
Barron, Gary. 2009. “The Raddest Dude Alive: Being a Critical and Reflexive Mentor”. University of Calgary Resident Student’s Association Resident Advisor Training Week, Calgary, AB, August 24.
Barron, Gary, Ben Graham, Nathan Turley. 2009. “We’re in This Together: The Sociology of Compassion in Everyday Life”. Course: Sociology of Compassion. Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, AB, June 10.
Barron, Gary. 2009. “Envisioning 21st Century Mental Health Research Collaboration: The Alberta Research and Innovation Centre for Mental Health and Addiction”. Alberta Health Services-Alberta Mental Health Board Collaborative Research Grant Planning Sessions, Edmonton, AB, January 27.
Barron, Gary. 2007. “What is Sociology?”. U of C 101 Social Sciences Student Orientation, University of Calgary, AB, September 7.